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Seeds of Innovation

Leah Davidson, '15

Leah Davidson is a dynamic entrepreneur who has had an exciting journey from a student leader to a successful business owner. Graduating from CMU in 2015 with a degree in mass communication, Davidson specialized in media strategies & applications while minoring in applied professional Spanish. Her undergraduate years were marked by active involvement in the campus community, reflecting her commitment to personal growth and campus vitality.

At CMU, Davidson served as a trip leader for the Outdoor Program, fostering teamwork and outdoor skills among students. Simultaneously, she excelled as a student orientation leader in the Admissions Office.

“Both roles I loved thoroughly because of the mentorship and life skills I received,” she said.

Davidson’s engagement extended to journalistic pursuits, contributing articles and photographs to The Criterion and Horizon Magazine.

In her senior year, Davidson assumed the role of director of external affairs in the Associated Student Government (ASG), organizing campus events like the homecoming carnival and bonfire. These experiences laid the groundwork for her professional trajectory, which unfolded through positions at Hewlett Packard (HP) and later at the University of Delaware (UD), where she pursued her master’s in international business.

It was during her final semester at UD that Davidson’s entrepreneurial spirit truly flourished. Collaborating with her husband, she conceptualized Win Gardens Greenhouse, a family-owned venture rooted in their shared love for plants and gardening. Leveraging her academic background, Davidson developed a comprehensive business plan that secured crucial financing, propelling Win Gardens Greenhouse into existence.

Based in Fruita, Colorado, Win Gardens Greenhouse is a 43,200-square-foot ultra-modern greenhouse that offers more than 300 plant varieties, catering to both retail buyers and cultivators with adaptively grown plants. For Davidson, Win Gardens Greenhouse represents more than a business; it embodies a shared vision and a commitment to nurturing both plants and community.

“My husband and I combined his family tradition/passion for floriculture with my apt for business and passion for gardening into our greenhouse enterprise” she said. “We love building our brand, our business and our company culture as a team and enjoy doing it on the West Slope.”


Written by Laura Bradley

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